Friday 23 November 2012

THE LAW’S THERE FOR A REASON – You are not allowed to drink and drive so why are people allowed to drink and type???

This week our Tech guys in the shop have had a couple of funny repairs to deal with which we thought you might find as funny as we did.

One gentleman was told that liquid had been found inside his pc. He couldn’t understand how this was possible and swore that there was no way he had spilt any drinks over his computer although he had been having problems with his PC’s cup holder!! He had been putting his coffee mug on the CD drive thinking it was a cup holder!!!
Then there was the lady who split wine on her husband’s laptop and dried it with a hairdryer.....yes she melted the keyboard into one key!!!
And that’s not forgetting the customer who left their car keys in the shop and didn’t come to collect them until the next day – how did he get home or indoors we wondered?!!
 And the other customer who brought his laptop in to be repaired, went through all the booking procedures only to take it straight home with him before the guys could get their hands on it!!! (he came back the next day after he realised what he had done!)

So the moral of the story is if you insist on the odd tipple when you’re typing be careful where you put your drink!

Monday 19 November 2012

Watch Fred Dinenage do Gangnam Style!

WOW.... what an amazing weekend. Friday Night. The crew at JSPC attended the Worthing Business Awards and received Highly Commended in the Category of Medium Business.

The highlight to this evening was going on stage to collect the award and agreeing last minute to dance Gangnam Style with Fred Dinenage to raise money for children in need!!!!

         It was amazing and funny and we raised over £350 for Children in Need!
Also it was amazing to see all the other fantastic winners and sponsors there.
A good night too for Mel and the Best of Worthing who had lots of their clients up for awards!!!!

Friday 16 November 2012

Introducing the team!

So today I thought maybe it would be a good idea to introduce the team, lots to say about them all but will keep it brief so you all know who we are talking about!

Front Row L-R
Jen - PA to Boss. Remembers nothing except where James left his keys! Suffers from sudden      outbursts of giggles
Carina - Office Administrator -  Arachnophobic office girl with a cheery disposition and an inate ability to put her foot in it!
Simon - Senior Technician – James’ right hand man and our very own rock god with movie star looks (Frodo from Lord of the Rings)
James - MD - Whirlwind Big Boss who talks superfast and remembers EVERYTHING except where he left his keys!! 
Shelley - Office Manager and James wife! Second boss with a fiery temper but soft on the inside.
Claire - Credit Control - Pink party girl, keeps the money coming in and has selective hearing!

Back Row L-R
Gary – Technician – Cheeky chap who talks a lot and is in love with a car called Lisa.
Jon - Senior Technician – Silent but deadly. So quiet, you don’t know he is around until he has had a couple of beers and by then it’s too late!
Phil – Technician – Physics genius who talks a lot and is often met with a blank stare from us office girls!
Rob - Shop Man – his answer to a faulty pc or laptop is gremlins
Colin – Technician – our very own Dr Who lookalike from Liverpool who is super competitive
Mike – Technician – considers himself to be Worthing’s answer to David Beckham in looks as well as football prowess!!
Dan – Technician – has unending enthusiasm for everything and who manages to charm a cup of tea out of anyone!
Shawn - Technician - Our very own ginger nut who goes well with a nice cup of tea
Tony - Senior Technician – Who’s the Daddy! James’ left hand man and a whizz with a camera.
Martin (not pictured) – Technician – loves being in his band and is generally too cool for school!!

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Welcome..... is anybody there???

So today we have been talking about our new blog and what direction we should take.

JSPC is such a fun place to work with hysterical things happening most days from finding porn DVD’s left in people’s computers to customers licking windows in the shop and unzipping and zipping their trousers as they walked round the shop!

So we decided it is like The IT Crowd which was just a passing comment and THEN I looked at the show again..... and that’s when it all seemed to make sense!! We’re now trying to decide who here is Douglas, Moss and Roy. We even have a Jen, who knows as much about IT as the show’s Jen!

This morning the boss has been getting in a Christmassy mood by playing his Christmas Playlist which was bad enough but now has put Radio 5 Live on now – think he’s hoping that Pompey will be mentioned!!

We thought this blog would be a funny record of the things that go on here and include helpful hints..... 

Yes, this is us! A crazy bunch most certainly but lovely!